I saw a cute joke that I thought was worth sharing with everyone, rather anyone who comes to read my blog. If it was 'everyone', that would be pretty amazing that so many people were interested in what I have to say. It would be awesome. I would feel really special and proud of having gained the knowledge in spreading this blog around - which I honestly don't think I possess. But, if everyone was reading this joke, I would very proudly be proven wrong. So, if you are one of 'everyone' reading this blog, please click on becoming a follower so I can share more rantings with you, and maybe you'll figure our how to say hello to me so you won't just be a member of that mysterious group of 'everyone' that often eludes me, and my blog.
Okay, here's the joke:
Hello. Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline. If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2. If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6. If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call. If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press. If you are manic-depressive, it doesnt matter which number you press. No one will answer. If you are anxious, just start pressing numbers at random. If you are phobic, dont press anything. If you are anal retentive, please hold.
And... I'm sorry, but here's a couple to do with divorce:
Marriage is like a deck of cards................... In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond. By the end............. you'll wish you had a friggin' club and a spade.....
I miss my ex... but my aim is getting better.
Do you have a funny joke or story to share with me and 'everyone' else who checks this blog? If so, send it in to me so we can work together at changing the mood of those reading blogs about divorce... one person at a time.
Sharon Shenker, the founder of former Divorce Support Plus,is back to work providing specialized coaching for individuals, families or couples experiencing relationship difficulties. For information, email: sharonshenker@gmail.com
Marriage-Divorce Coaching
Thank you for stopping by.
Due to health reasons, the Divorce Support Plus website was closed several years ago, but Sharon Shenker is returning to her passion of helping others through family reconstruction, or even better, saving families by reconstructing the relationship(s).
Please join conversations, ask questions, or contact me...
My email is sharonshenker@gmail.com
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Before You End It All
Don't let relationship difficulties destroy your family!
Before You End It All… try working on making your relationship better!
No one can promise it will be easy to rebuild the love after it feels lost - it will be difficult! - but it is possible. The reason is simple - marriage is not the problem, it's the two people in the marriage who create(d) the problems. Things may seem even more hopeless to you now that you've read that. You may be thinking, "Oh, great! Now we're really out of luck for saving our marriage." But that isn't true either. Because there's a secret I want to share…
If you're struggling in your marriage, it's probably because your parents struggled too. The thing is that we learn our interpersonal and relationship skills and techniques from our parents; the good and the bad ones. So, my question to you is, who's going to break the cycle? Will YOU be the one to change things for your kids and the generations to come? Or will your children have to suffer the same burden as you? It’s up to YOU. There's nothing better for your children than to be raised amidst the comfort and security of parents who love each other instead of being the victims of an unhappy and unhealthy family. If your children don't see love between you and your partner, (their parent or step-parent!) it won't really matter in the long run, where they go to school or how fashionably they get to dress. But, if they witness true love, you will be giving them the greatest gift life has to offer. How about it? Do you want to be a really great parent by doing everything you can to succeed with your marriage?If you have no children and want to end a long-term relationship from someone you once loved… you might be thinking that what you just read does not apply to you and that you can just pick a plan from that song, `Fifty ways to leave your lover`` but, you are probably still wrong. So many people think that they will just find a ``better partner`` and all will be fine with their next relationship. Wouldn`t that be great! Just dump the lousy one and trade them in for a better model, as if people and relationships are disposable. Unfortunately, if we find ourselves in a relationship with someone whom we eventually believe have all the problems, created the problems or are the problem, we are usually very mistaken.
The simple truth is that if we come from a dysfunctional family, to whatever degree and about whatever issues, we are walking into our relationships with the blueprint for creating a toxic, troubled or dysfunctional relationship. We missed out on some of what we would have benefited from and we grew up with issues, wounds, insecurities, poor skills, etc. that were part of our baggage. If and when we are insecure, immature, angry, demanding, selfish, demeaning, and/or wounded as a result of our childhood or past relationships... we really can make a mess of things.
But, people can change! We can learn new behaviours, and stop ourselves from repeating the damaging ones. So, if you are in a committed relationship that is dying and you want to save your marriage (and put that spark back) into a whole new, healthy, loving, passionate relationship with the person you are already with you can… unless there was physical abuse.
Change is good, but it does not have to mean divorce?
Here are some of the ways to prevent a divorce:
- Commit to saving the marriage. When a couple has children, I ask them to promise that they will stick to the hard work of rebuilding their lost love for at least three months. It would have been great if you had both agreed that divorce would never be an option, but let’s just say that for now no one will be moving out, calling mediators or lawyers.
- Review and correct your expectations. So many people go into marriage expecting to ‘change’ their partner – for the better. In reality, they want to change them to being more fitting to their needs and wants, which is not very approving of them, as they are, for who they are. (The marriage started off with a troubled foundation if either of you intended to change the other.) But, what’s done is done. Now you have to take a good long look at yourself and your partner to see who each of you really is. When we understand our partner’s issues, wounds, needs and wants as vital to our healing, and ours to theirs, it makes it a lot easier to accept and honour each other as equals with neither one owing the other the loss of their self. A good exercise for this would be to think back to when you got married and list all of the expectations you had for marriage itself, and another of your mate. Then, ask your mate to do the same, and see how many matches you had for expectations of the marriage, and for each other. Maybe you both fell short. And, maybe one or both of you had expectations that the other could not fulfill (without making changes in who they are) and no you can see that unmet expectations led to more frustration, disappointment, and possibly anger and/or a lack of respect. Now you can start to focus on meeting each others needs and work on both of you healing and growing beyond the wounded selves you began as. If you switch your focus to showing love, behaving lovingly, even when you don’t totally feel so loving, you might be surprised by the result.
- Create a ‘vision’ of what you would like your relationship to be like now. Years have passed, life has surely changed since you were dating, so it would be reasonable to come up with a new plan that might better fit your life circumstances now. Working on this together, and/or with a Certified Vision Board Counselor, will be easier than trying to communicate in words, plus it will be a nice way to discuss your needs and wants quietly.
- Get outside help – and that does not mean family or friends!
- Get serious about either talking with each other, if you can, or making the time available for each of you to attend your sessions with a coach/counsellor.
- Listen to each other. Remember we have two eyes, two ears, and only one mouth for a reason.
- Share the truth of your relationship problems with family and close friends - without giving details. Your marital issues are private and personal, but the fact that you are trying to save your marriage will probably be pleasant news to some people and they might even offer to babysit!
- Do not allow your discussions to become battles. If/when talking with each other becomes difficult, combative, or insulting, stop talking. Take a time out to cool down. The goal is to save the marriage!
- Avoid the ‘toxic’ topics that you find yourselves arguing about constantly. Accept that your conflict style is not working for this, and maybe other issues, and let a professional help you deal with those.
- Work at being polite and friendly. A smile usually helps to lighten the mood and spread a welcoming atmosphere in your home for everyone – your children do not deserve to be in a nasty/cold home.
The most important statement that a couple can say to each other, even when they feel it is hopeless, is something like, "Divorce will not be an option for us. We will do whatever it takes to work out our differences - no matter what.”
Before accusing your partner of being at fault for the serious state of your relationship, analyze yourself. Most of the time we tend to overrate ourselves and underrate others. So, do not hesitate to correct yourself and say sorry for your part – because you both shared in creating the relationship as it is. Whether it was what you did, or did not do, you are both responsible for how it is now.
And yet, no matter what situation your marriage is in - if you're willing to work on saving your relationship, you'll be amazed at how much better it can be in just a few months!
Saving your marriage is not about begging or pleading with your partner to stay, giving in to their demands, forcing them to accept your way, punishing them for their faults, or trying to get them to understand that everything that went wrong is all their fault - and not yours! It’s about each of you working on your own issues so that the two people in the relationship can start from inner peace and acceptance of themselves. Then, as each of you is able to view themselves, the other, and the relationship in a new light, without the past hurts and disappointments controlling your perspective, you will be able to support each other in figuring out and expressing your needs and wants in the marriage.
I have truly seen miracles work with troubled marriages that first appeared to be absolutely beyond repair.
You can strengthen your marriage foundation – and get reconnected with your spouse!
Here are a few more ideas to get things started on working on rebuilding your relationship:
· If body image has affected the intimacy in your relationship, go to the gym to work out together, encouraging each other on personal goals rather than focusing on the flaws.
· If you have been saying negative things to each other, make a deal to counter that by paying two compliments per negative one from now on; like putting a quarter in a jar for each swear word.
· Since you probably forgot when you pleased each other, sit down together and share the most memorable ways that your partner demonstrated their love for you over the years.
· Once a day, express appreciation for 3 things about your partner or something that they did.
Saving your marriage may take a lot of work, but it can reward with the relationship of your dreams!
If you feel comfortable enough to try to get back on the right track of loving each other the right ways follow the “28 Days to Make Your Relationship Sizzle” calendar:
If you would like to receive your own copy of this calendar, simply email me
Montreal Relationship Coach,
relationship coaching,
save my marriage
Friday, November 19, 2010
Want to Reduce Family Holiday Stress?
Although holiday time means presents and no school for most American kids, it can also be a stressful time - particularly with so many families facing financial hardship, in families where there's a recent loss of a loved one, and with the challenges faced by split or blended families.
Family stress is going up. According to the American Psychological Association's survey, Stress in America 2010, 73% of parents report family responsibilities as a top stress. 32% of parents report their stress is extreme (8 on a 10 scale). Most parents realize they are living with unhealthy stress levels: 69% know it's important to manage their stress, but only 32% say they are doing a very good job of it.
Children know when their parents are having a hard time, and it does affect them: 47% of tweens and 33% of teens feel sad when their parents are stressed; 36% of tweens and 43% of teens worry; and 25% of tweens and 38% of teens feel frustrated when experiencing their parents in such a state.
Now is the perfect time to start turning family stress around. Here are 7 simple holiday stress-reducing strategies that can make a difference - holiday time or any time.
(1) Visualize a heart-filled holiday. You can do this one at the dinner table. Have everyone in the family close their eyes, focus on their heart, and imagine what kind of holiday will bring joy into their hearts. Then share your ideas around the table. This helps kids feel listened to, cared for, and included.
(2) Give the gift of calmness. Ancient wisdom and modern research point to the calming effects and health benefits of slow, deep breathing. Make a regular practice of taking 1 to 5 minutes each day of relaxing "balloon breathing." Breathe in to a count of 3 about 2 inches below the navel, imagining there's a balloon filling up with air, and out to that same slow count. It'll center and rebalance every family member to face the joys and inevitable disappointments of the holiday season.
(3) Offer distress a voice. If this is your child's first holiday without a loved one - grandpa passed away, or big sister is in Afghanistan - younger family members may feel a deep sense of loss. Or maybe your child is feeling the stress of a recent divorce. Give her paper and markers, and ask her to draw whatever is making her sad or mad. Then ask her what the picture wants to say out loud. Often, putting a face on an emotion and letting it "speak" makes a child feel better - and gives a parent a way to understand what's going on inside.
(4) Sweat is sweet. Kids (and adults) can get all pent up during holiday time. Surprise little ones by clearing the furniture out of the center of the room, turning on some fun music, and dancing vigorously for 10 minutes. Or bundle up the family and take a wintry walk while playing "I Spy." Exercise releases feel-good chemical and is one of the fastest ways to chase away holiday blahs and instill a sense of togetherness.
(5) Blow out negativity, light up hope. Create a family ritual of hope. Have two candles for each family member: one lit, one not. Have each imagine what they'd like to let go of - what no longer serves them - and say, "I'm going to toss this out (anger, worry, meanness to my sister) when I blow this candle out." Then light a new candle and share, "I hope to bring in (kindness, faith, cleaning my room) as I light anew." Let go of the old and bring in the new. You can use one candle to symbolize all, or light up your whole home with several.
(6) Be grateful for who you live with. Avoid some of the little and big jealousies that crop up from comparing who has a bigger present or counting how many gifts go to whom by starting early and giving gifts of appreciation - to each family member. Take the whole month of December (or start at Thanksgiving) and every day have each person share something they appreciate about another (big brother allowing younger sister to hang out in his room). Make a running list and post on the fridge or in the family room to remind each other when stresses build that you really do care about and love each other.
About Dr. Charlotte ReznickAll Content Copyright ©2010 Charlotte Reznick PhD, All rights reserved.
Charlotte Reznick PhD specializes in helping children and adolescents develop the emotional skills necessary for a happy and successful life. She is a licensed educational psychologist and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA. Dr. Charlotte is the creator of Imagery For KidsTM: Breakthrough for Learning, Creativity, and Empowerment and is the author/ producer of several therapeutic CDs for children, teens, and parents. An international workshop leader on the healing power of children's imagination, she maintains a private practice in Los Angeles, California. Visit www.ImageryForKids.com
family loss,
financial hardship,
holiday stress,
single parents
Friday, November 12, 2010
Change is good, but does it have to mean divorce?


(514) 804-3585
This coaching service is for everyday, healthy people who are experiencing a troubled relationship and want help, without years in therapy!
I will do my best to help you dramatically improve and save your relationship...
but, if we absolutely can not, I will help you and yours through a family reconstruction rather than leaving you on your own for a possible family destruction!
Here are some testimonials from a few former clients:
"I began meeting with Sharon Shenker as my relationship with my husband continued to deteriorate. I had many things to sort out with my failing relationship. Made only harder to sort through as I still had many issues I had not properly addressed from my family of origin.
As I told her of my stresses, Sharon didn’t sit idly by and only prod me with questions as a psychological councellor might have. She spoke one-on-one with me as an equal, countered with stories I could relate to, told me what theories I could look into (as the IMAGO theory), and gave me homework to do which ranged from journaling to working on concrete exercises specific to my needs.
I liked the flow of the meetings. Unlike a psychological councellor’s approach where it seems to lead to nowhere but to more one sided talking, Sharon actively guided me through my issues with practical suggestions that I could implement. I much preferred this approach rather than spilling my woes to a silent, head nodding person who just kept telling me to come back. I also felt I was in control of the length of time I chose to see her.
Throughout the last 3 years, I have returned to Sharon with subsequent issues which arose as I worked through the initial issues with which I had come to her. It was not always an uplifting experience to dredge up the painful and harmful habits one has, but it was always worth seeing her.
I highly recommend this lovely, heart warming woman to accompany you on your journey to a more joyous and fulfilling life!
Peace, Helen G."
"Sharon’s approach is very proactive, and for us that was just what the doctor ordered. Her approach is not to dwell on what is wrong but to focus on making things right, by building new skills and practicing new behaviours. With Sharon’s help, we came back from the brink of separation, and are now doing very well. Sharon saved our marriage, and that is not an exaggeration!"
"Just before entering our first meeting with Sharon we were arguing and crying. An hour and a half later we were laughing and hugging each other. It was the first step in a long healing process. Now our relationship is the best it has been in years! Sharon has the unique ability to sort through all difficulties a couple may be suffering from and deal with them one at a time, putting the couple on a steady path to recovery."
"It is the tools I have been given that made the difference. The year I was in therapy gave me an environment to vent, but didn’t provide any tools or solutions... You have given me the tools and techniques with which to deal with my ex-wife, my life, and to solve my own problems effectively!"
"Thank you so so much!! You're like an angel that came into my life this year. I truly appreciate the great work that you are doing with my family. I'm so grateful to you."
"I wish Mommy and Daddy would come learn this stuff too." 8 years old
"There was a marked improvement in his behaviour when he was seeing you. Please try to get the parents to resume with you." - Elementary School Principal
"Sharon’s approach as a ‘Life Coach’ is truly hands-on and solution oriented."
"Thank you for encouraging me to move forward when I didn’t know how to. Your insight and perspective helped me see things clearly, and your guidance helped me change my life!"
"I hated having to come at first because I thought you were just going to be on her side, too. Everyone from (Youth Protection Service) only saw my frustration and anger, but you’ve really listened to me, and seen my frustration with the system. Now I realize that I feel so much better each time after we speak cause I was able to let go of some of the anger and start my future. Thank you for letting me call you so often. It helped me so much."
As the above testimonials show, some people come to create a change in their life and relationships that involve a divorce... and some come to save their marriage or relationship by dramatically changing for the better!
If your relationship is experiencing difficulties... don't just sit in the 'yuk' of it! Contact me...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Love The Right Ways... or you may need Divorce Support Plus
Originally posted Thursday, March 13, 2008, 12:02 - Coaching by Sharon Shenker
Dear Friends,
As a Family & Relationship Coach for almost ten years now... and as a woman, mother, daughter, sister, friend, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, and who knows what else... I know that falling in love with someone is easy, yet keeping the love going strong on a daily basis in a long-term relationship, whether that means your marriage, parent-child, or even your sister-sister relationship, is not easy!
It requires great effort, and self-awareness more than other-awareness and skills! Whatever your relationships are at this time in your life, I'm willing to bet that a little help with some personality-based living hints would come in handy.
Imagine filling out a simple multiple choice form and finally 'getting' why s/he thinks and behaves the way they do... and why it annoys you! The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator does just that. It not only identifies common areas of difference that can cause mis-communications and conflict, it provides a non-judgmental, neutral language for discussing misunderstandings and irritations, so that we can begin creating a gentler flow in the relationship. After all, more harmony and a better understanding of each other is what we all want in our relationships, isn't it?
Couples, individuals, families, work teams, ...anyone can make constructive use of their differences with the help of an MBTI analysis.
Let me know if you're interested. Or, if you've had it done, let me know what you thought of it - did it help your relationship?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
From Dreadful to Grateful Living
Friday, March 21, 2008, 11:42 - Coaching
From Dreadful to Grateful Living“My life is the definition of Murphy’s Law!”
“I love my life, even the challenges that help me grow.”
It’s very common for me, in my work as a coach who specializes in divorce, to hear the first statement above. Naturally, the majority of my clients are the partners that were left and they come to me at a time when they are dealing with the pain of a disappointing, failing or failed long-term relationship… so, the idea of it ending isn’t quite thought of as a growth challenge – yet. In fact, many of the men and women who speak with me see their partners as selfish and disrespecting of their feelings, needs and wants. I hear a great deal of ‘I didn’t see this coming at all’, ‘what about my rights?’, ‘it’s not fair!’ and ‘My life is over now, cause I can’t live without him/her.” So, they are in a state of shock or denial, trying to make sense of what has happened to their life with a shattered sense of self-esteem on top of what feels like an upside-down life that’s making them feel very insecure and unsafe… or, they are already in the rollercoaster stage and they are bouncing between being angry, depressed and bargaining to get their partner back.
One of the first things I have to do is to help them decide whether their relationship can be saved and rebuilt or not. When there is no choice for this partner because the other is certain, and perhaps already moved on to someone else, we begin the work of healing, through acceptance, growth and empowerment. It’s often a matter of helping someone get back or take control of the rest of their life by learning how to change their own attitude, expectations and life skills… so that they can forgive, if possible, trust themselves and move on.
But, one of life’s greatest challenges for so many people is hanging on to a positive attitude. And, believe me; I know how hard it can be! I’ve had quite a few disappointments and surprises in my own life. Honestly, I have always battled myself with a thought and attitude pattern that I’ll call “Dreadful Living.” Yes, as much as I wish I could say that I always ‘walk the talk,’ I am human like you and I too sometimes falter. I always tell my clients that every one of us humans has strengths and weaknesses, skills and dysfunctions, really great learned patterns and some stinkin’ thinkin’ patterns that they can work on. Virginia Satir, the creator of the family therapy model I trained in, is known to have said that 95% of people come from dysfunctional families to some degree, yet I am still waiting to meet someone that belongs to that group of 5% of the population! So, how can you and I work on changing from a ‘Murphy’s Law’ dreadful living attitude to the more pleasant and healthy grateful one?
By the way, this is not just a lesson for people reeling from a divorce! Even if your marriage is fine, developing a grateful attitude can do wonders for you, your family, and for all of your interpersonal relationships! One of the worst dis-eases of attitude is complaining, because when we complain, we aren’t only focusing on what’s wrong with or ruining our mood, we are also making everyone we speak to hear it. So, unfortunately, by complaining we are probably even adding to the problem because then the people we feel closest to (we did choose to confide in them!) want to hide from us and our negative ranting.
According to ‘the secret’ we would be so much better off if we shift our focus to what is ‘right’ and ‘good’ about our life because, aside from events actually just being neutral and therefore it being merely our attitude that determines whether or not something negative has transpired, but we create what happens in our life from our thoughts!
So, I don’t know about you, but the next time I find myself disappointed with how a situation turned out or was handled, I’m going to take some time to learn from the experience. I will begin by determining what I expected to happen so I can see the difference. Then I will try to see what I can actually learn from what did happen. And instead of chancing doing the same thing again, I will figure out what I can do differently in the future if a similar situation arises. I’m also going to try really hard to stretch myself to see what it would be like to be grateful that the situation happened just as it did. I’ll find something to say to myself so that I can feel "spared" from something much worse. You know, like- if I hated having to eat broccoli, I could certainly tell myself that it would be so much worse if I was homeless and starving. Maybe then I would be able to feel genuinely grateful for the broccoli experience and all it brought me - seeing if we can find the gift in each situation for us.
Here’s a little exercise I give my clients to do: Write in a Daily Gratitude Journal (like on Oprah!)
At the end of each day, take some time to review your day and find at least five (5) things that you are glad happened. It can be something simple, like the sun was shining (and ignore how cold the temperature was!) or that it was so nice to receive a smile from your neighbor. Basically, look for all the signs that life isn’t out to get you and only throws you the leftover stuff you hate. It’ll actually help you to stop dwelling on the negative and start looking forward to what just might happen for you tomorrow!
Here’s mine for today already:
I'm feeling very grateful for the arrival of spring, the sun shining through the windows of my cozy home, the companionship of my cat, and my mother who I just finished speaking with. (Thanks for the call, Mom!) And most of all, I'm grateful for the ability to do the work I love, providing Family & Relationship Coaching to others. So, if you know of anyone who could use some great tools, guidance, and support, please refer them to me or my blog.
If you have a hard time finding things to be grateful for, then I strongly encourage you to schedule a coaching session so we can start today to change your life!
Wishing you and yours all the best,
Sharon Shenker, founder,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Breaking Up Is Good To Do

To contact her, either call her directly at (514) 804-3585 or go to divorcesupportplus.ca or lovingtherightways.com.
Breaking up is good to doDivorce and marriage counsellor isn’t afraid to tell someone when to throw in the towel |
by CHRIS BARRY (The Mirror, 2008)
Name: Sharon Shenker, Age: 53 (now 55!)
Occupation: Divorce coach/marriage counsellor
Has she ever found herself advising a couple to split because one of them is pretty well a monster whom nobody should ever have to suffer a relationship with? “Yes, unfortunately I’ve had to do this a few times. Once was when a woman admitted to me that she was having an affair with her husband’s best friend and was only staying with him for the money. Morally, I just couldn’t play along with this lie. I told her she had three weeks to make the decision to either stop seeing this other guy and start working on repairing her marriage or tell her husband their marriage was over. Not to tell him about the boyfriend necessarily, but to do one of those two things. That was the only way I could continue working with them. In the end, they split up and were both happy with the decision.”
Which gender is more likely to be getting a little action on the side? “It’s pretty well even. But these days women might be cheating a little more.”
Something she says most people don’t realize: How many men are emotionally abused by their spouses. “It would be nice if there were more resources for them. I see so many of these poor nice guys who’ve been totally torn apart and brought down as a result of these relationships.”
How often are ALL the problems in a relationship just one person’s fault? “Never.”
Is it not family law practitioners and their talent for conspiring to financially rape everyone involved the premier cause of serious grief on the divorce beat? “Those lawyers already hate me, you know. I once had a lawyer come straight up to me saying, ‘Why would I ever send you a client? All you do is take my money away from me.’ So I asked him, ‘Wouldn’t you prefer the reputation of being a lawyer who genuinely cares about the families you represent?’ And this man just looked at me incredulously and said, ‘No, I’d much rather have their money.’”
Musical preferences: James Taylor, James Blunt, Xavier Rudd.
Last book read: The Complete Superfoods Cookbook, by Michael van Straten.
Words of wisdom:
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times—always with the same person.”
Comments: dimwit@hdot.net
But, please comment here since this article is two years old.....
Friday, November 5, 2010
If I could I would tell Mommy and Daddy...
‘If I could, I would tell mommy and daddy…’
Saturday, December 1, 2007
By MensNewsDaily, Glenn Sacks

Sharon Shenker’s My Family Has Two Houses is a book for kids about divorce. It’s jarring, because it reminds us of just how difficult things can be these kids, and how fragile these situations can be.
On the page pictured, it urges kids to “Hang in there…hold on…don’t give up” and asks kids to finish the sentence “If I could, I would tell mommy and daddy…”
I wonder what most kids caught in a divorce would ask?
Perhaps the most touching scene of PBS’s 2006 documentary Kids & Divorce: For Better or Worse was when they filmed a little boy caught in his parents divorce. The boy sobbed, “I don’t want to vote.”
I imagine that many kids of divorce would tell their warring parents the same thing.
2 Responses to “‘If I could, I would tell mommy and daddy…’”
amfortas Says:
December 3rd, 2007 at 4:33 am
No-fault divorce, “In the best interests of the children”. Who can fault it?
The children for a start…..
But we can’t let sentimentality stand in the way of women throwing off the oppression of marriage to Men !! ™, can we.
DcFather Says:
December 3rd, 2007 at 7:55 am
Sounds like some psychobabble coming from a shrink/psychologist/social woker looking for an angle to cash in on divorce, like all of the other whores of the divorce court.
Why not approach and testify before Congress and state legislatures about the harmful effects upon children of the current divorce regime, and force them to choose between money for lawyers and hate fodder for feminists, or doing what is right for children and families for a change. Answer: There’s no money in that.
Ouch, that would hurt if my book was not put together for the kids without any psychobabble....on purpose.
Divorce is one of the most traumatic life events that children experience, and conflict between parents is so high that they often cause the children to get caught in the middle of their emotionally-charged disputes... Yet, by law, both parents have to give permission for a child to receive professional help in the form of counseling, child or family coaching, and very sadly, many parents don't give that permission.
So, here's what I did - I turned the exercises from the DivorceSmarts Program I created and have been using with children, with great success, for many years into a "workshop in a workbook" for school-aged children to use at home, in school or as part of a an organizations peer support group as a preventive measure to be used now instead of waiting for them to need professional intervention later!
These interactive workbooks get kids exploring some pretty deep emotions without coming across as a boring text book or therapy tool. Each page encourages the child to explore, journal or color pictures that reflect their feelings and thoughts while learning, venting, gaining new insight and skills... and acceptance of their new family situation.
Not just for divorced parents...
For anyone who works with children of divorce!
Professional Endorsements for the book:
"My Family Has Two Houses is a well thought-out workbook for children caught in the maze of confusion during and following a divorce. The compassionate tone, helpful exercises and suggestions, coupled with the great design and visuals, are a perfect resource to help children open up to what they are feeling and needing from the adults in their lives. Every divorcing parent should share this valuable book with their children. Thank you Sharon Shenker!"
Rosalind Sedacca, CCT, The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce, Author, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce?
"A very helpful and insightful book, filled with fun activities that speak to the universal issues that children face when parents divorce. Ms. Shenker has a wonderful knack for making psychological medicine taste good."
Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, Psychologist & Social Worker, www.lovevictory.com
To obtain your copy of the book, please go to: http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca/buy_my_book.html
Saturday, December 1, 2007
By MensNewsDaily, Glenn Sacks

Sharon Shenker’s My Family Has Two Houses is a book for kids about divorce. It’s jarring, because it reminds us of just how difficult things can be these kids, and how fragile these situations can be.
On the page pictured, it urges kids to “Hang in there…hold on…don’t give up” and asks kids to finish the sentence “If I could, I would tell mommy and daddy…”
I wonder what most kids caught in a divorce would ask?
Perhaps the most touching scene of PBS’s 2006 documentary Kids & Divorce: For Better or Worse was when they filmed a little boy caught in his parents divorce. The boy sobbed, “I don’t want to vote.”
I imagine that many kids of divorce would tell their warring parents the same thing.
2 Responses to “‘If I could, I would tell mommy and daddy…’”
amfortas Says:
December 3rd, 2007 at 4:33 am
No-fault divorce, “In the best interests of the children”. Who can fault it?
The children for a start…..
But we can’t let sentimentality stand in the way of women throwing off the oppression of marriage to Men !! ™, can we.
DcFather Says:
December 3rd, 2007 at 7:55 am
Sounds like some psychobabble coming from a shrink/psychologist/social woker looking for an angle to cash in on divorce, like all of the other whores of the divorce court.
Why not approach and testify before Congress and state legislatures about the harmful effects upon children of the current divorce regime, and force them to choose between money for lawyers and hate fodder for feminists, or doing what is right for children and families for a change. Answer: There’s no money in that.
Ouch, that would hurt if my book was not put together for the kids without any psychobabble....on purpose.
Here's a little information on My Family Has Two Houses, a 50+ page interactive 'workshop in a workbook' for school-aged children of divorce.
Divorce is one of the most traumatic life events that children experience, and conflict between parents is so high that they often cause the children to get caught in the middle of their emotionally-charged disputes... Yet, by law, both parents have to give permission for a child to receive professional help in the form of counseling, child or family coaching, and very sadly, many parents don't give that permission.
So, here's what I did - I turned the exercises from the DivorceSmarts Program I created and have been using with children, with great success, for many years into a "workshop in a workbook" for school-aged children to use at home, in school or as part of a an organizations peer support group as a preventive measure to be used now instead of waiting for them to need professional intervention later!
These interactive workbooks get kids exploring some pretty deep emotions without coming across as a boring text book or therapy tool. Each page encourages the child to explore, journal or color pictures that reflect their feelings and thoughts while learning, venting, gaining new insight and skills... and acceptance of their new family situation.
Not just for divorced parents...
For anyone who works with children of divorce!
Professional Endorsements for the book:
"My Family Has Two Houses is a well thought-out workbook for children caught in the maze of confusion during and following a divorce. The compassionate tone, helpful exercises and suggestions, coupled with the great design and visuals, are a perfect resource to help children open up to what they are feeling and needing from the adults in their lives. Every divorcing parent should share this valuable book with their children. Thank you Sharon Shenker!"
Rosalind Sedacca, CCT, The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce, Author, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce?
"A very helpful and insightful book, filled with fun activities that speak to the universal issues that children face when parents divorce. Ms. Shenker has a wonderful knack for making psychological medicine taste good."
Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, Psychologist & Social Worker, www.lovevictory.com
To obtain your copy of the book, please go to: http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca/buy_my_book.html
Thursday, November 4, 2010
After the Split
After the Split
First holidays after parting ways with partner are difficult but manageable, experts say.
Lauren La Rose, The Canadian Press, TORONTO
The holidays are widely regarded as a time for family togetherness, to indulge and savour in shared traditions from social gatherings to gift exchanges that are indelibly tied to the festive season.
But for families fragmented by separation or divorce, thoughts of participating in celebrations can be tough to conjure up, particularly for those heading into the first holiday season after parting ways with their significant other.
"We're all accustomed to the big hype about this holiday season, whether it's Hanukkah or Christmas we celebrate,'' said Sharon Shenker, a divorced mother of two and a family and relationship coach with Montreal-based Divorce Support Plus.
"The radio doesn't stop with the cheery music talking about love and happiness and family and good cheer, and when somebody's getting over basically the devastation of their whole life and all their future plans and dreams, it's not an easy time.''
Calgary-based registered psychologist Brian Zelt said any time there is a major holiday or event, the rituals and emotions connected to those dates tend to draw out greater tensions for many people who are splitting up.
"When there's been a lot of tension and conflict that hasn't been resolved during the course of a separation or divorce, I think these are often times -- the dates and points on a calendar -- where some of this conflict renews itself more vigorously because certainly there's a lot of things attached.''
Regardless of how acrimonious the split is, Shenker said the key thing for parents to remember is children deserve to celebrate the holiday -- whether the parents really feel like it or not.
"That's the number one responsibility of being a parent: to know how to hide your own grief and anger and be there for your kids in the way that they need you to be. They're counting on you.''
But it's not easy, particularly when a couple who once lived under one roof and shared in family festivities must now navigate the tricky territory of marking the time separately with their children.
Zelt said it's important for parents to co-ordinate schedules in advance, engaging in discussion not only about dates in question but some of the activities that are going to be occurring to prevent overlap.
He also suggests if parents are purchasing presents separately they should share what they plan on buying to avoid duplication.
Zelt said he has heard stories of one-upmanship surrounding the holidays or gifts, and some parents choosing not to do particular activities or events because that's a reminder of the other parent. There are also instances where parents purchase extravagant or lavish gifts to compensate for their absence.
Zelt said it's important to not get into the game of trying to "outlove'' your children more than the other parent.
"They need to see balance, particularly from one consistent or stable parent figure in this and realize their love isn't something that can be purchased or bought, and I think early on it's a challenge because kids can't differentiate that,'' he said.
"I think when children are older and they begin to realize there's a flood of activity around certain dates . . . they begin to establish some of those connections in their head themselves that, 'Hey, wait a minute: why do I get something fantastic on one day and then not see them and not have contact for the other 360 days a year.' ''
Glenn Cheriton, executive director of the Ottawa-based Canadian Council for Co-Parenting, who moderates a monthly support group for separated and divorced parents, said another issue that can arise surrounding gifts is when they're used as emotional gameplay.
"To my mind, I have less of a problem with parents competing as to see who can actually give the best gift to the child and more concerned about the emotional content of certainly denying a gift to a child or taking a gift that is supposed to be for a child and then trashing it or sending it back,'' he said.
"That I think is one of those things that is really quite destructive, and that's certainly something that hurts and that is designed to hurt.''
The holidays can be especially tough for the parent who is solo for the first time without their kids.
Shenker, whose children are now 28 and 30, divorced when they were just two and four years old. She said the hardest part of the holidays, or any time the kids were with their dad, was figuring out what to do with herself.
For her, readjusting to single life meant going to a restaurant with a book, taking off her watch and staying there for at least 40 minutes on her own.
Despite how tough it can be, spending time on your own with your kids can present a silver lining: Shenker said it offers the opportunity to create new traditions.
Maybe it's renting a bunch of movies and cosying up under the covers with popcorn, she said. Or perhaps one parent loved the idea of carolling, but their partner didn't. Now that's something they can share with their kids, she added.
"It's up to each parent to talk to their child and decide what feels right for them.''
Update on this article:
My daughters are now 30 and almost 32. How time flies!
To top it off, I not only have a son-in-law, but I am also a grandmother!
You can see some pictures of my family on my facebook page.
First holidays after parting ways with partner are difficult but manageable, experts say.
Lauren La Rose, The Canadian Press, TORONTO
The holidays are widely regarded as a time for family togetherness, to indulge and savour in shared traditions from social gatherings to gift exchanges that are indelibly tied to the festive season.
But for families fragmented by separation or divorce, thoughts of participating in celebrations can be tough to conjure up, particularly for those heading into the first holiday season after parting ways with their significant other.
"We're all accustomed to the big hype about this holiday season, whether it's Hanukkah or Christmas we celebrate,'' said Sharon Shenker, a divorced mother of two and a family and relationship coach with Montreal-based Divorce Support Plus.
"The radio doesn't stop with the cheery music talking about love and happiness and family and good cheer, and when somebody's getting over basically the devastation of their whole life and all their future plans and dreams, it's not an easy time.''
Calgary-based registered psychologist Brian Zelt said any time there is a major holiday or event, the rituals and emotions connected to those dates tend to draw out greater tensions for many people who are splitting up.
"When there's been a lot of tension and conflict that hasn't been resolved during the course of a separation or divorce, I think these are often times -- the dates and points on a calendar -- where some of this conflict renews itself more vigorously because certainly there's a lot of things attached.''
Regardless of how acrimonious the split is, Shenker said the key thing for parents to remember is children deserve to celebrate the holiday -- whether the parents really feel like it or not.
"That's the number one responsibility of being a parent: to know how to hide your own grief and anger and be there for your kids in the way that they need you to be. They're counting on you.''
But it's not easy, particularly when a couple who once lived under one roof and shared in family festivities must now navigate the tricky territory of marking the time separately with their children.
Zelt said it's important for parents to co-ordinate schedules in advance, engaging in discussion not only about dates in question but some of the activities that are going to be occurring to prevent overlap.
He also suggests if parents are purchasing presents separately they should share what they plan on buying to avoid duplication.
Zelt said he has heard stories of one-upmanship surrounding the holidays or gifts, and some parents choosing not to do particular activities or events because that's a reminder of the other parent. There are also instances where parents purchase extravagant or lavish gifts to compensate for their absence.
Zelt said it's important to not get into the game of trying to "outlove'' your children more than the other parent.
"They need to see balance, particularly from one consistent or stable parent figure in this and realize their love isn't something that can be purchased or bought, and I think early on it's a challenge because kids can't differentiate that,'' he said.
"I think when children are older and they begin to realize there's a flood of activity around certain dates . . . they begin to establish some of those connections in their head themselves that, 'Hey, wait a minute: why do I get something fantastic on one day and then not see them and not have contact for the other 360 days a year.' ''
Glenn Cheriton, executive director of the Ottawa-based Canadian Council for Co-Parenting, who moderates a monthly support group for separated and divorced parents, said another issue that can arise surrounding gifts is when they're used as emotional gameplay.
"To my mind, I have less of a problem with parents competing as to see who can actually give the best gift to the child and more concerned about the emotional content of certainly denying a gift to a child or taking a gift that is supposed to be for a child and then trashing it or sending it back,'' he said.
"That I think is one of those things that is really quite destructive, and that's certainly something that hurts and that is designed to hurt.''
The holidays can be especially tough for the parent who is solo for the first time without their kids.
Shenker, whose children are now 28 and 30, divorced when they were just two and four years old. She said the hardest part of the holidays, or any time the kids were with their dad, was figuring out what to do with herself.
For her, readjusting to single life meant going to a restaurant with a book, taking off her watch and staying there for at least 40 minutes on her own.
Despite how tough it can be, spending time on your own with your kids can present a silver lining: Shenker said it offers the opportunity to create new traditions.
Maybe it's renting a bunch of movies and cosying up under the covers with popcorn, she said. Or perhaps one parent loved the idea of carolling, but their partner didn't. Now that's something they can share with their kids, she added.
"It's up to each parent to talk to their child and decide what feels right for them.''
Update on this article:
My daughters are now 30 and almost 32. How time flies!
To top it off, I not only have a son-in-law, but I am also a grandmother!
You can see some pictures of my family on my facebook page.
children of divorce,
Getting a Relationship Tune-Up Before the Gasket Blows
AMY WILLARD CROSS. Globe and Mail, August 23, 2007
http://tgam.ca/B3l (via @globeandmail)
Vancouver couple Grace and Rob recently spent 24 hours improving their relationship.
Their coupledom had not been nicked by infidelity. They weren't fighting so dirty that the bad words wouldn't wash off. They weren't teetering on divorce - indeed, they weren't even married yet.
But it was not as good as it gets for this dating couple, so Rob's friend recommended couples coaching.
"You don't know what kind of baggage you're bringing into a new relationship until you get into one," says Rob.
About to move in together, Grace and Rob (who asked that their real names not be used) are part of a growing trend toward relationship maintenance - often called marriage enhancement or enrichment.
"I learned not only to check myself and communicate in a different way, but I became aware of his feelings," says Grace. "I did a complete 360, and was really ashamed and embarrassed."
Dealing with problems before it's too late is starting to catch on.
Provincial marriage and family therapy associations have started offering free "marriage checkups" with a therapist so couples can assess their relationship's health.
The practice has gained enough traction that in the spring of 2006, the Canadian Forces initiated Basic Relationship Training (BRT) at all of its bases. Many branches of the U.S. military do the same.
"As the profession of marriage and family therapy grew, there was a recognition of the need to do [preventive] stuff," says Annette Dekker, president of the Ontario Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.
Most people are pushed to seek a marriage therapist because they are having big problems. Typically, according to Ms. Dekker, couples wait six years to call a therapist after realizing that their "us" is not perfectly healthy.
Meanwhile, animosity and bitterness build up like hard-water scale on pipes. "Often, by that time, it's too late," says Ms. Dekker.
But among therapists and counsellors who advertise enrichment or enhancement, some estimate that 10 to 15 per cent of clients come to improve a relationship that does not seem problematic.
Couples are also attending classes, programs and retreats such as Getting the Love You Want, the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) or the Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills (PAIRS) course.
The Canadian forces launched relationship training because "we wanted to be very cutting-edge and proactive," says Erika Lefebvre, a psychologist with the program Strengthening the Forces.
Ms. Lefebvre says her program is about building skills, not spill-your-guts counselling.
Even if couples aren't being deployed, she says, "I think anybody could benefit from this - a relationship requires regular maintenance."
Toronto therapist Sonya Gotziaman says relationship training makes sense because "our main role models are our parents and TV and movies, and I don't know which is scarier."
Rob and Grace say counsellor duo Michael and Janice Inch of Vancouver helped them to identify the triggers that make them react, then gave them tools to manage them. "We need to learn not to react," says Rob. "It's reactive behaviour that digs a hole for us."
Montreal's Sharon Shenker says many of her clients are seeking relationship enhancement and are attracted by her use of the Myers-Briggs personality test, which is commonly employed in corporate settings.
Knowing their personality types helps couples learn, understand and manage their differences, Ms. Shenker says.
Couples she has helped through divorce will sometimes return with a new spouse to head off problems before they begin, she adds.
Sometimes, life transitions push couples to get a little fortification.
Leah MacInnes, a Victoria-based marriage and family therapist, has had many clients who are dealing with a second marriage, a baby or an empty nest.
"Life transitions are difficult, and difficult times pull us apart or bring us together," Ms. MacInnes says. Seeing a therapist for preventive sessions can also be a money-saver: it will require fewer appointments and come nowhere near the cost of a divorce, she says.
Ms. MacInnes and her husband got a taste of her own medicine when they sought counselling during a stressful period.
"I'm a therapist, I know how to communicate, but sometimes there are things I can't see," she says. "Having a neutral party there to say 'What did you mean? What's your reaction?' helps to get you out of rut."
http://tgam.ca/B3l (via @globeandmail)
Vancouver couple Grace and Rob recently spent 24 hours improving their relationship.
Their coupledom had not been nicked by infidelity. They weren't fighting so dirty that the bad words wouldn't wash off. They weren't teetering on divorce - indeed, they weren't even married yet.
But it was not as good as it gets for this dating couple, so Rob's friend recommended couples coaching.
"You don't know what kind of baggage you're bringing into a new relationship until you get into one," says Rob.
About to move in together, Grace and Rob (who asked that their real names not be used) are part of a growing trend toward relationship maintenance - often called marriage enhancement or enrichment.
"I learned not only to check myself and communicate in a different way, but I became aware of his feelings," says Grace. "I did a complete 360, and was really ashamed and embarrassed."
Dealing with problems before it's too late is starting to catch on.
Provincial marriage and family therapy associations have started offering free "marriage checkups" with a therapist so couples can assess their relationship's health.
The practice has gained enough traction that in the spring of 2006, the Canadian Forces initiated Basic Relationship Training (BRT) at all of its bases. Many branches of the U.S. military do the same.
"As the profession of marriage and family therapy grew, there was a recognition of the need to do [preventive] stuff," says Annette Dekker, president of the Ontario Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.
Most people are pushed to seek a marriage therapist because they are having big problems. Typically, according to Ms. Dekker, couples wait six years to call a therapist after realizing that their "us" is not perfectly healthy.
Meanwhile, animosity and bitterness build up like hard-water scale on pipes. "Often, by that time, it's too late," says Ms. Dekker.
But among therapists and counsellors who advertise enrichment or enhancement, some estimate that 10 to 15 per cent of clients come to improve a relationship that does not seem problematic.
Couples are also attending classes, programs and retreats such as Getting the Love You Want, the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) or the Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills (PAIRS) course.
The Canadian forces launched relationship training because "we wanted to be very cutting-edge and proactive," says Erika Lefebvre, a psychologist with the program Strengthening the Forces.
Ms. Lefebvre says her program is about building skills, not spill-your-guts counselling.
Even if couples aren't being deployed, she says, "I think anybody could benefit from this - a relationship requires regular maintenance."
Toronto therapist Sonya Gotziaman says relationship training makes sense because "our main role models are our parents and TV and movies, and I don't know which is scarier."
Rob and Grace say counsellor duo Michael and Janice Inch of Vancouver helped them to identify the triggers that make them react, then gave them tools to manage them. "We need to learn not to react," says Rob. "It's reactive behaviour that digs a hole for us."
Montreal's Sharon Shenker says many of her clients are seeking relationship enhancement and are attracted by her use of the Myers-Briggs personality test, which is commonly employed in corporate settings.
Knowing their personality types helps couples learn, understand and manage their differences, Ms. Shenker says.
Couples she has helped through divorce will sometimes return with a new spouse to head off problems before they begin, she adds.
Sometimes, life transitions push couples to get a little fortification.
Leah MacInnes, a Victoria-based marriage and family therapist, has had many clients who are dealing with a second marriage, a baby or an empty nest.
"Life transitions are difficult, and difficult times pull us apart or bring us together," Ms. MacInnes says. Seeing a therapist for preventive sessions can also be a money-saver: it will require fewer appointments and come nowhere near the cost of a divorce, she says.
Ms. MacInnes and her husband got a taste of her own medicine when they sought counselling during a stressful period.
"I'm a therapist, I know how to communicate, but sometimes there are things I can't see," she says. "Having a neutral party there to say 'What did you mean? What's your reaction?' helps to get you out of rut."
Montreal Relationship Coach,
relationship coaching,
save my marriage
Friday, October 22, 2010
How Well Do You Listen To Each Other?
Did you read this article yet?
How Well Do You Listen To Each Other?
Does your partner do something than annoys you?
Have you been telling him/her for so long that it feels like you have been saying the same thing, over and over, forever? Are you at your wits end about it? Feeling fed up trying… maybe even feeling certain that they don’t care what you want because they ignore you?...
To read the rest, please view my other blog at:
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce. For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email Sharon directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
How Well Do You Listen To Each Other?
Does your partner do something than annoys you?
Have you been telling him/her for so long that it feels like you have been saying the same thing, over and over, forever? Are you at your wits end about it? Feeling fed up trying… maybe even feeling certain that they don’t care what you want because they ignore you?...
To read the rest, please view my other blog at:
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce. For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email Sharon directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
Monday, October 18, 2010
Divorce As Friends?
Did you hear the latest entertainment gossip about Courtney Cox and David Arquette?
Well, they have joined the many other young couples who have recently separated with young children, because of an affair.
They say they 'remain best friends.' What a great plan. I wish every divorcing couple would at least have that as their intention instead of the old approach of going to war right away. I am all for amicable divorces. Unfortunately, emotions often win control over mature, rational thinking and throw the best of intentions right out the window. When it comes to an amicable divorce, a third party who will hold both parents accountable to behaving in the best manner possible for the sake of the children is often needed because if they were actually still best friends and amicable, they would not be getting a divorce. They would just be needing some help at rebuilding the magic and fun in their relationship.
Best wishes go out to Courtney and David that they will do better than the majority of couples we hear about in the news. I, for one, think it's about time the media shared more positive stories of couples succeeding with the plan of holding the mutual love for their children in highest standing - in every dealing with each other - so that they actually follow through with their good intentions.
Divorce Support Plus was created to help families reconstruct, rather than destruct, if the relationship cannot be rebuilt and saved because way too many children suffer in silence, with broken hearts, from witnessing their parents poor behavior before, during and after a divorce.
Here's to hoping that more and more parents grow up before their kids do.
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
Well, they have joined the many other young couples who have recently separated with young children, because of an affair.
They say they 'remain best friends.' What a great plan. I wish every divorcing couple would at least have that as their intention instead of the old approach of going to war right away. I am all for amicable divorces. Unfortunately, emotions often win control over mature, rational thinking and throw the best of intentions right out the window. When it comes to an amicable divorce, a third party who will hold both parents accountable to behaving in the best manner possible for the sake of the children is often needed because if they were actually still best friends and amicable, they would not be getting a divorce. They would just be needing some help at rebuilding the magic and fun in their relationship.
Best wishes go out to Courtney and David that they will do better than the majority of couples we hear about in the news. I, for one, think it's about time the media shared more positive stories of couples succeeding with the plan of holding the mutual love for their children in highest standing - in every dealing with each other - so that they actually follow through with their good intentions.
Divorce Support Plus was created to help families reconstruct, rather than destruct, if the relationship cannot be rebuilt and saved because way too many children suffer in silence, with broken hearts, from witnessing their parents poor behavior before, during and after a divorce.
Here's to hoping that more and more parents grow up before their kids do.
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Divorced Barbie Doll
This is the latest divorce joke I just heard about:
"One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, 'How much for one of those Barbie's in the display window?' The salesperson answers, 'Which one do you mean, Sir?We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and Divorced Barbie for $265.95'.
The amazed father asks: 'It's what?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?'
The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: 'Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer, one of Ken's Friends, and a key chain made with Ken's balls."
Unfortunately, there are so many people who still believe this old perspective on divorce. In fact, there are many OLD divorce cases where this was not even the case. For example, when I got divorced about twenty-eight years ago, my ex-husband was self-employed and managed to convince the court that he was so poor he couldn't event afford the minimum for two children... a few years later it was discovered that he paid more to lease each one of his cars two cars than he gave as child support and alimentary pension to me for his two daughters. I know a lot of women managed to 'take their men to the cleaners' or 'got the shirt off their backs' but this is not the norm.
If it was so common, why the heck would so many single mothers be struggling?! Why would so many children of divorce have to go to college/university with huge loan debts to pay back later? And, why did I not have all the luxuries my ex-husband and his second wife get to have?
Come on people. Stop making and spreading jokes like this that have nothing to do with reality nowadays. The court systems are doing their best to make sure that neither scenario ever happens again. Thank goodness!
Sharon Shenker, Founder of Divorce Support Plus
"One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, 'How much for one of those Barbie's in the display window?' The salesperson answers, 'Which one do you mean, Sir?We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and Divorced Barbie for $265.95'.
The amazed father asks: 'It's what?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?'
The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: 'Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer, one of Ken's Friends, and a key chain made with Ken's balls."
Unfortunately, there are so many people who still believe this old perspective on divorce. In fact, there are many OLD divorce cases where this was not even the case. For example, when I got divorced about twenty-eight years ago, my ex-husband was self-employed and managed to convince the court that he was so poor he couldn't event afford the minimum for two children... a few years later it was discovered that he paid more to lease each one of his cars two cars than he gave as child support and alimentary pension to me for his two daughters. I know a lot of women managed to 'take their men to the cleaners' or 'got the shirt off their backs' but this is not the norm.
If it was so common, why the heck would so many single mothers be struggling?! Why would so many children of divorce have to go to college/university with huge loan debts to pay back later? And, why did I not have all the luxuries my ex-husband and his second wife get to have?
Come on people. Stop making and spreading jokes like this that have nothing to do with reality nowadays. The court systems are doing their best to make sure that neither scenario ever happens again. Thank goodness!
Sharon Shenker, Founder of Divorce Support Plus
children of divorce,
division of assets,
jokes about divorce
Monday, September 13, 2010
END the Silence of Domestic Violence NOW!
I'm keeping my eyes and ears on what Dr Phil plans on doing this year as he claims to be taking a stand this year to END THE SILENCE TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
I hope you'll listen too and share some of your experiences.
Domestic violence does not usually begin with physical violence - please be aware, it normally starts with emotional control and put-downs, isolation, humiliation, etc., etc.
Are you a victim of abuse in a relationship? Was it a significant other? A parent? Sibling? Whether Dr Phil makes it a big issue for the year, I promise to.
Stay tuned for more discussions on the subject, and please, please, join in.
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their often struggling families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly (http://www.lovingtherightways.com)or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce (http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca). For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email her directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
I hope you'll listen too and share some of your experiences.
Domestic violence does not usually begin with physical violence - please be aware, it normally starts with emotional control and put-downs, isolation, humiliation, etc., etc.
Are you a victim of abuse in a relationship? Was it a significant other? A parent? Sibling? Whether Dr Phil makes it a big issue for the year, I promise to.
Stay tuned for more discussions on the subject, and please, please, join in.
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their often struggling families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly (http://www.lovingtherightways.com)or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce (http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca). For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email her directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
How would you punish an adulterer?
I just read an online article about an Iranian woman who has been sentenced to such extreme punishment for committing adultery (when her husband was already dead!) and I just had to share it with you.
Did you notice the sentence that said he had died the year before?!?
After all my years of working with couples going through relationship difficulties and divorces, many of which were because of adultery, I am so glad we live in a country that does not stone the cheaters. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am sure as heck not saying cheating is okay. In fact, if any man I was in a relationship with cheated on me instead of working on any problematic issues we had that made him feel like looking elsewhere I would have no second thoughts about ending that relationship. That is partly because honesty and trust are really big issues to me, but mostly because I would have seen to it from get-go of dating me that I would never accept that behavior. No one ever cheated on me, if that's what you thought. It's that I know I would never feel that I could trust him again. I grew up in a family with a lot of lies and secrets, and my ex-husband lied a lot. I insist upon only being with people that I believe to honest and therefore trustworthy people.
I have worked with couples in which partners were totally oblivious to all the signs of a cheating partner, a few that did not care because they were also getting some outside, and plenty that were being so fooled it made me angry. I remember one couple that I actually had to tell the wife that if she wanted to continue working with me she had two weeks to inform her husband that she was cheating. I told her she did not have to tell him that her lover was her husband's best friend who was over at their home almost daily, but I will not work or live against my values.
People who are lying to their partners and cheating on them are not going to be my clients because I have personal ethics that flow into my career. I work with couples to repair their relationship disconnect and rebuild their friendship and romantic bond... but, I do not think the cheaters should be stoned to death. I don't even think they all need to be divorced. Many couples I have worked with were able to heal and create a better relationship than they ever had - because they each worked through their own issues that they entered the marriage or relationship with.
All couples lives with issues; ever human being has issues. There are things about everyone's partner that annoys them or even drives them crazy. And none of us is a saint. We all do things that can drive our partner crazy - thank goodness most couples will learn how to accept each other, quirks and all. The idea of trying to improve a union is one of the best ideas most couples can make. I have never really believed that you just go to the justice of the peace, or your rabbi or priest and voila, you are happily married. I believe that you become married, truly married, over time, by going through all the big and small issues that you never really expected would come up and you didn't plan for... but you either found that your communicating and problem-solving skills (that you learned from your family of origin) were good enough to see you through the tough times, or you learned they did not suffice.... and hopefully sought some help before one of you got to that strange point of 'falling' out of love with the other.
Monogamy, to me, is one of the most basic concepts of marriage. A promise to forsake all others. A promise. Many of us have attachment issues from our childhood that can contaminate our relationships, but if we are old enough to marry, I think we should be wise enough to know when we need to seek some help for ourselves and/or for our relationships.
But, back to the article mentioned for just a moment, I do not believe in stoning someone for cheating on their dead or living husband or wife!
If you are in a long-term relationship that seems to need a kick in the love pants, and you need something to start you with, try this exercise with your partner:
Complete this sentence with as many responses as you can: "I feel loved and cared about when you..."
If one or both of you have trouble coming up with answers, sit quietly with your eyes closed, thinking back to the romantic stage of your relationship, and answer this question: "I used to feel loved and cared about when you..."
One of the most important truths for people to understand, in my professional opinion, is that marriages are not actually the means to wish fulfillment. Getting a mate does not mean the end to loneliness or discontent with oneself. Marriage means having someone to go through life with... and hopefully, falling in love with over and over - but it must be with the same person!
And if your partner does commit adultery, please do not 'bobbit it' or stone him or her to death. If seeking outside help does not bring your relationship to a better place for each of you, and life in your household has become a living hell for your kids, then divorce might be the answer... but, even then, you will need to learn how to communicate and make decisions together, for the sake of your children, and so that you both get to be at their weddings!
About the Author:
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly (http://www.lovingtherightways.com)or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce (http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca). For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email her directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
Please do not copy this article without the complete copyright information.
Did you notice the sentence that said he had died the year before?!?
After all my years of working with couples going through relationship difficulties and divorces, many of which were because of adultery, I am so glad we live in a country that does not stone the cheaters. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am sure as heck not saying cheating is okay. In fact, if any man I was in a relationship with cheated on me instead of working on any problematic issues we had that made him feel like looking elsewhere I would have no second thoughts about ending that relationship. That is partly because honesty and trust are really big issues to me, but mostly because I would have seen to it from get-go of dating me that I would never accept that behavior. No one ever cheated on me, if that's what you thought. It's that I know I would never feel that I could trust him again. I grew up in a family with a lot of lies and secrets, and my ex-husband lied a lot. I insist upon only being with people that I believe to honest and therefore trustworthy people.
I have worked with couples in which partners were totally oblivious to all the signs of a cheating partner, a few that did not care because they were also getting some outside, and plenty that were being so fooled it made me angry. I remember one couple that I actually had to tell the wife that if she wanted to continue working with me she had two weeks to inform her husband that she was cheating. I told her she did not have to tell him that her lover was her husband's best friend who was over at their home almost daily, but I will not work or live against my values.
People who are lying to their partners and cheating on them are not going to be my clients because I have personal ethics that flow into my career. I work with couples to repair their relationship disconnect and rebuild their friendship and romantic bond... but, I do not think the cheaters should be stoned to death. I don't even think they all need to be divorced. Many couples I have worked with were able to heal and create a better relationship than they ever had - because they each worked through their own issues that they entered the marriage or relationship with.
All couples lives with issues; ever human being has issues. There are things about everyone's partner that annoys them or even drives them crazy. And none of us is a saint. We all do things that can drive our partner crazy - thank goodness most couples will learn how to accept each other, quirks and all. The idea of trying to improve a union is one of the best ideas most couples can make. I have never really believed that you just go to the justice of the peace, or your rabbi or priest and voila, you are happily married. I believe that you become married, truly married, over time, by going through all the big and small issues that you never really expected would come up and you didn't plan for... but you either found that your communicating and problem-solving skills (that you learned from your family of origin) were good enough to see you through the tough times, or you learned they did not suffice.... and hopefully sought some help before one of you got to that strange point of 'falling' out of love with the other.
Monogamy, to me, is one of the most basic concepts of marriage. A promise to forsake all others. A promise. Many of us have attachment issues from our childhood that can contaminate our relationships, but if we are old enough to marry, I think we should be wise enough to know when we need to seek some help for ourselves and/or for our relationships.
But, back to the article mentioned for just a moment, I do not believe in stoning someone for cheating on their dead or living husband or wife!
If you are in a long-term relationship that seems to need a kick in the love pants, and you need something to start you with, try this exercise with your partner:
Complete this sentence with as many responses as you can: "I feel loved and cared about when you..."
If one or both of you have trouble coming up with answers, sit quietly with your eyes closed, thinking back to the romantic stage of your relationship, and answer this question: "I used to feel loved and cared about when you..."
One of the most important truths for people to understand, in my professional opinion, is that marriages are not actually the means to wish fulfillment. Getting a mate does not mean the end to loneliness or discontent with oneself. Marriage means having someone to go through life with... and hopefully, falling in love with over and over - but it must be with the same person!
And if your partner does commit adultery, please do not 'bobbit it' or stone him or her to death. If seeking outside help does not bring your relationship to a better place for each of you, and life in your household has become a living hell for your kids, then divorce might be the answer... but, even then, you will need to learn how to communicate and make decisions together, for the sake of your children, and so that you both get to be at their weddings!
About the Author:
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly (http://www.lovingtherightways.com)or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce (http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca). For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email her directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
Please do not copy this article without the complete copyright information.
relationship coaching
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Can a divorce be amicable?
I have devoted about thirty years of my life working with children and their families. During the first fifteen or so years, my 'clients' were the children, but I talked with their parents regularly. Conversation were not just about how the kids had behaved that day. Most conversations were actually about parenting skills, parenting style differences between the parents, and issues within their relationships that had nothing to do with the children or child-rearing. I heard about so much emotional pain, confusion and suffering within some of those family homes. And, obviously, I was not spared; I had my own relationship difficulties, unhappiness, and fear.
During and after my high conflict divorce, I was convinced that there had to be somewhere for people to receive more help while going through all the emotional pain, confusion, agonies, fear and/or regret that separation and divorce can bring. We all want to get to the other side... to move on with our lives, amicably...
I couldn't find anyone to help me in those days, so I've worked very hard at becoming good at helping other people do this. I chose to specialize in helping other families, couples and individuals on the verge of divorce or already going through one. And I still often think of the children as my 'clients' but their parents pay me to help them.
See, I would never want to offend any of my clients, or make them any more upset than they already are with divorce looming over them. And, I hope you believe me and understand this because... I truly believe that many, many parents are the cause of their children's pain and suffering during and after a divorce. In fact, that's why I wrote my book, My Family Has Two Houses; to help the children cope with and recover from their parents' divorce.
So, here's the first part of what I want to say to any parent on the verge of divorce...
In all my years of working with troubled, divorcing and divorced families I can tell you in total honesty that this is truly the only attitude and choice of behavior that will give you the best chance of a decent, respectful, fair, thoughtful and positive divorce... with the chance of a peaceful enough co-parenting relationship that you can move on towards a positive future.
With the help of a me as your coach, I guarantee that you will:
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly (http://www.lovingtherightways.com)or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce (http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca). For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email her directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
During and after my high conflict divorce, I was convinced that there had to be somewhere for people to receive more help while going through all the emotional pain, confusion, agonies, fear and/or regret that separation and divorce can bring. We all want to get to the other side... to move on with our lives, amicably...
I couldn't find anyone to help me in those days, so I've worked very hard at becoming good at helping other people do this. I chose to specialize in helping other families, couples and individuals on the verge of divorce or already going through one. And I still often think of the children as my 'clients' but their parents pay me to help them.
See, I would never want to offend any of my clients, or make them any more upset than they already are with divorce looming over them. And, I hope you believe me and understand this because... I truly believe that many, many parents are the cause of their children's pain and suffering during and after a divorce. In fact, that's why I wrote my book, My Family Has Two Houses; to help the children cope with and recover from their parents' divorce.
So, here's the first part of what I want to say to any parent on the verge of divorce...
- Divorce can sure as heck bring out the worst in anyone... but it doesn't have to... if you are prepared with support from a third party who is both a professional and not emotionally involved.
- Divorce can bring personal pain, confusion, and feelings of failure or devastation... but it doesn't have to... if you are prepared about more than the financial and legal aspects of divorce.
- Divorce can be a time of weakness, fear, and despair... but it doesn't have to. As strange as it sounds, divorce can be turned into a time of personal growth and therefore become a positive experience... when you are really prepared, mentally and emotionally, with the right information and guidance.
- Divorce can be an expensive paper and word battle field with your personal information being shared with strangers... but it doesn't have to... You don't have to participate in the traditional war on paper through affidavits being sent back and forth to your lawyers, and in front of a judge in court. You can choose to have a more cooperative and emotionally mature divorce... and spend the saved money on yourself and your kids!
In all my years of working with troubled, divorcing and divorced families I can tell you in total honesty that this is truly the only attitude and choice of behavior that will give you the best chance of a decent, respectful, fair, thoughtful and positive divorce... with the chance of a peaceful enough co-parenting relationship that you can move on towards a positive future.
With the help of a me as your coach, I guarantee that you will:
- receive the information and guidance you need to communicate this choice to your lawyer.
- be confident in knowing that you will not be cheated or misguided during the divorce.
- discover ways to reduce anger within yourself as well as how not to escalate your partner's anger.
- learn and practice ways to handle and respond appropriately, rather than emotionally reacting.
- improve your self-esteem and reduce any sense of shame or embarrassment about your divorce.
- become aware of the fact that each of us is 100% responsible for our actions... and therefore, know that if your partner cheated on you, it was not because of you.
- experience an amicable divorce so that you and your children can live in peace and harmony.
Sharon Shenker, Family Life Coach
After many years of working with children and their families, Sharon founded Divorce Support Plus to help couples prevent family breakdowns by reconnecting lovingly (http://www.lovingtherightways.com)or to assist them through and beyond a separation or divorce (http://www.divorcesupportplus.ca). For further information, phone: 514.804.3585 or email her directly at sharonshenker@gmail.com
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